Saturday, August 18, 2012

Monsoon Rain Poem

Restaurant in the Rain
‘Wet Water World’

Monsoon rains pour down
pulling me out of my daydream
into the present wet water world.

Two children play,
running like crazy between raindrops,
pure sensuality and joy.
Sound of rain and blur of  sky
transform known reality to wet water world.

Unlike people watching, rainstorms are calming—
till thunder strikes!
Drama, impact, danger.
The skies open up!

Will rain ever stop?
Too late for an ark!
I’m the old world left behind.
Two by two the new world repopulates anew
global warming, nuclear warheads, haves and have nots, erased,
the world cleansed and transformed
into a shining heaven on earth,
me just an imperfect memory of insufficient effort
to improve the world and save it
from the inevitable flood.

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